1. X is a collaboration by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! to improve the web by creating a common vocabulary for describing the data on the web. If you add X markup to your HTML pages, many companies and products—including Google search—will understand the data on your site. Likewise, if you add X markup to your HTML-formatted email, other email products in addition to GMail might understand the data. Give me X.

2.Expand SCA with respect to the image.

3. ISRO has launched long time ago something similar to that of Google Earth what is it ?

4.Which brand gets its name from a Turkish public bath which is the Turkish variant for steam bath,sauna.

5.Ad for ?

6.Give the hidden symbols.

7. Why was KIROBO in news recently ?

8.What is Amul Commemorating?

 9. Whom does this doodle depict?
10.X was an American animation studio. It was in operation from 1929 to 1949 and then 1951 to 1972 and was the principal supplier of animation for Universal Studios, now part of the media conglomerate NBCUniversal which is now owned by Comcast.
Give X.

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