1. 1st Indian to have a million followers in twitter?

2. X is codenamed hammerhead. What is X ?

3. The first coin operated video games were introduced in the 1970's with titles such as 'Computer Space' and 'X' gaining popularity. ID 'X'.

4. Edward Snowden's leaks include an allegation that the NSA is working on 'X' computing in the hope of cracking all known codes. What is 'X'?

5.Which Security firm allegedly rook $10 million from the NSA to adopt weakened ecrpytion ?

6. Clockwork radio inventor Trevor Baylis has a transport-related invention. What ?

7. In the "Trashgate" scandal in 2000, what did Oracle allegedly buy?

8.Significance of this image ?

9.What does this doodle indicate?


Question Credits : Kevu Kaivan

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