You would never want to be spying around areas where these creepers are hiding! Here is a list of the Top 5 spideys that can make you gone with their bite!!

#5  Red Back Spider [latrodectus hasselti] :

This deadly spider was described by Swedish Arachnologist, Tamerlan Thorell in the year 1870 from the specimens collected in Rockhampton and Bowen. Its bite causes latrodectism, the illness which causes pain, muscle rigidity, vomiting, and sweating. Its behavior is not only harsh with other species, but also with their own! The red back spider is one of the very few spiders which show sexual cannibalism, i.e. it consumes its partner after mating!

#4  Brown Recluse Spider or Violin Spider [Loxosceles reclusa] :

This Spider is named as Brown Recluse Spider for its habit of hiding in dark places, and it is also known as violin spider because of a violin-shaped marking. Its bite causes pain and burning for the first 10 minutes and followed by itching. the other symptoms caused by its bite include fever, chills, nausea, muscle aches and
hemolytic anemia (a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed).

#3 Black Widow Spider [Latrodectus mactans]

It might not be as Hot as Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow of Marvel), but it is as dangerous as the "fictitious" black widow. Its bite gives a appearance of a target, a pale area inside a red ring. If bitten, in the first two hours, you may develop severe muscle cramps and pain.Other symptoms are weakness, sweating, headache, anxiety, itching, nausea, difficulty to breathe and increased blood pressure. These spiders usually live in Trash, closets and other dark places where light is not present!!

#2 Sidney funnel-web spider [Atrax robustus] :

According to the statistics made by the University of Sydney, this spider is obviously the most badass spider in all of Australia! This Ugly dude's massive fangs are of venom that is highly toxic! The venom of the male spider is 5 times more powerful than the female. Symptoms start to occur immediately, that include piloerection (goosebumps), sweating, muscle twitching, salivation, lacrimation (tears), tachycardia (increase in blood pressure), and then severe hypertension.

And the most Badass of all spiders....

#1 The Brazilian wandering spider or the Banana spider [Phoneutria nigriventer] :

The venom of this spider is almost 30 times powerful than the venom of a rattlesnake! A study by students show that only 33% of the bites contain significant venom! It has been called Banana spider because it has been found in bunches of bananas imported from Brazil!! Many big companies are hoping that eventually this venom of the Brazilian wandering spider helps in the cure of Erectile Dysfunction.

And I request you all to keep backs away from these badasses!!

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