Can't beleive it that even the sun has a hole in it. This hole was discovered by NASA's solar dynamics observatory presents us with a cornal hole in the sun.

"Coronal hole" isn't it a quizzy pretext, well it is place where high speed solar wind streams into space. It appears dark in extreme ultraviolet light as there is less material to emit in these wavelengths. The hole was captured in these videos by the NASA in between may 5 to 7 2014.

Well you cant tell that whether it is hole really because it looks like an patch of shade but believe me it is a hole where hot plasma outlines little pieces of Solar magnetic field on the surface inside the bright some kind of loops. Its is explained by the "Solar Dynamics observatory'  in the videos. They have also said that it will not affect as it is situated or positioned whatever you call it and will not affect us, there is the least chance for any kinda impact on earth. But the reasons are still unclear why and how this coronal holes are caused

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