Have you ever considered wearable technology? Of course you would have some years ago at night when sleep eludes you. But i'm pretty sure that you would've never thought of a Smart T-shirt cause you would have considered washing it and it would've ringed that washing those type of Hi-tech T-shirts would've fried the sensors in it!

Well, OMsignal, a fitness company designing these type of Shirts overcame that. They claim that the "Smart T-Shirts can be removed and be machine washed with other normal clothes. It comes with a small blackbox which needs to be disconnected before washing. It costs about 120 USD in total (pretty costly for a shirt!) including the module which controls the data input from the sensors of the T-Shirt.

These shirts however, are not yet ready for the swimming pool for reasons unspecified. But hey, this is a whole new level of health monitoring!

You can check out this youtube video featuring the product:-

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