Alien hand syndrome (AHS), is a very rare neurological case in which a persons hand seems to have movements of its own, without the person even being aware of it ! The person impaired by it may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without even wanting to do so, even to the extent that he/she is forced to use the healthy hand to detain the alien hand.

AHS is best documented in cases where a person has surgically separated the hemispheres of  his/her  brain .i.e, a procedure used to relieve the symptoms of extreme cases of contraction or tremor. It has also, in some cases, occurred after a brain surgery, stroke, tumour, or infection.

Well, even though it is rare, and only about 40-50 cases of such have been recorded until now, the fact that there is a chance that your own hand can go up against you as in some horrifying symptoms like, choking you buy stuffing food into your mouth , or probable reaching out and holding on to your neck or face while driving does give a slight horror to me if you say! 

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