Normally, if you get bit by some venomous reptile or animal, you bleed only that place. but the worst case is, you bleed from all parts or holes of your body instantly. Sounds cool right? Yep, there exists a snake called "Boomslang" which will help you bleed cool.

Boomslang (Dispholidus Typus) is a greenish-black-blue snake which belongs to Colubridae family. This predator actually means "Tree snake", from two languages, Dutch and Afrikaans. This thing has quite large eyes than other snakes and an egg-shaped head with an average of 100 - 150 cm length.

The venom of the Colubridae family is usually harmless to humans except Boomslang. This family usually has small fangs and insufficient venom to affect somebody, not Boomslang. The venom of this species is insidious, the boomslang venom primarily contains hemotoxin, which removes the blood clotting and causes severe internal and external bleeding . Other symptoms that may be experienced before bleeding are nausea, headache, sleeplessness and mental disorders. This venom acts slowly and may take hours to experience severe bleeding from all parts of the body.

Something deadly always appears in an Agatha CHristie series, if you are a bookworm can you tell me which part it was in the comments. Stay away from boomslang usually when it gives an 'S'-pose.

Oh, and this thing is found only in the Amazon forest, unless your not there your safe.

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  1. Not sure about you guys but I have already decided to put on the Tom Hardy Venom Jacket on Halloween night. Time to say bye-bye to those awful costumes and better give a chance to jackets.


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