Its a first person survival horror game. During the day the player has to go out and scavenge for supplies to send back to the safe zones. They can also set up traps, save random survivors, and make their way to air drops.
It has online multiplayer and if you are interested in playing the game with your friend together, it also features split-screen multiplayer. When the sun goes down, you better get your ass up on the roof.
Release Date;-TBA 2014 (Source: IGN)
Game play
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
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Its an action role playing game, set in the universes of the Hobbit and The lord of the rings. It open world, so you are free to pursue your mission and side quests any time you want. I don't really know much about the plot but the graphics and game play are good.
Release date:- October 7, 2014
Lords of the fallen
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This one and Shadow of Mordor are similar in graphics and gameplay. Its also a action RPG. Melee action is the masterpiece of the game and also supports various combos to kill the bad guys.
Release date:- TBA 2014
Murdered: Soul Suspect
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This game is a bit different from the usual set of game with similar gameplays. You get to play as a ghost who is a former detective, murdered and killed. We also get help from a girl who is a witness to our murder and can also see and communicate with ghosts.
Release Date:- June 3rd in North America
Tom Clancy's The Division
Souce: Google Images |
Its a third person tactical shooter action role playing game. It is inspired by real world events that focuses on showing "how vulnerable we've become". A disease spreads on black friday and in a course of 5 days entire U.S falls on its knees. We are part of a group called "The Division" and we are supposed to "save what remains".
Release date:-Fall 2014
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation provides a whole new different approach of FPS survival horror games. Not like other horror games in which we have to battle multiple enemies, Alien: Isolation have only one alien in a spaceship and the protagonist has to use her (yes, i said 'her') motion trackers and flashlight to move about. I'm quite happy since me and horror games are "too far from each other".
Release date:- Oct 7, 2014.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
It is too much similar to shadow of mordor and lords of the fallen. It is also the sequel to Dragon age: Origins. I have not played the ancestors of the game but the graphics and gameplay looks good.
Release date:- Oct 7. 2014
The Evil Within
As I am writing (or typing) about this game, i am thinking whether i will play this game or not. As i said, i'm not a huge fan of horror games and the last one i played was dead space and it left me with nightmares (I ain't kidding, i nearly had a heart attack!). From the trailers i saw and the info gathered, this is one hell of a horror game. I don't really know much about the story but i guess we are trapped in an asylum (like outlast, and i have not played that game either!), and we must fight some ugly looking bad guys.
Release Date:- Aug 26 in North America, Aug 28 in Australia and Aug 29 in Europe.
So with these i can pretty much survive 2014. Hope you guys have a great year and better start fine tuning your PCs.