Facebook was developed in a single dorm. It had a really dumb user interface previously. Now it is a wonder-pack. The Facebook Timeline was the change of the decade with such beauty and neat interface. As the timeline advances, we started adopting to new side features by Facebook. It has been doing the right job by advancing every year with lots of updates. The evolution of Facebook's design is just mesmerising, but, the 2004 design was total crap. Now the design is a trap which will make us addict and waste our time.

The design was the most frequently updated thing by Facebook, but still additional features that were later popular in every other network was first introduced by Facebook. Such perfection by Facebook which amazes me. The identical features brought into play are now a cheap feature.

This is most old look of Facebook with a partial picture of Peter Wolf on top. Most disputed still on the internet today, but I assure it is Peter Wolf though a lot of people mistake him for Al Pacino. This is the basic and the starter pack for Facebook.

The introduction of "Profile" on Facebook and an interactive design on the right side consisting Friends, Messages, Groups and blah blah.

The "Mini-News feed" of Facebook. The news feed of the activity of your friends and photo uploads started appearing in a minimalist and simple way.

The three way layout was first introduced. News feed in the right, Profile in middle and Groups and stuff on the left. This is the layout which is used now but in a different way.

New redesigned profile and the status update with additional features. Uploading video feature was enabled and groups were given a lot more specifications.

The most developed period where the Pages were introduced and also "Like" Button was introduced. Revolutionary period for Facebook.

The profile information got a new way to update. Add your School, university and stuff. Places you travelled. A bit more personal information could be shared.

The instant news ticker on the right side above the chat was introduced, which gives you instant notifications about your friends activities.

The Facebook Timeline era starts. The new Facebook timeline with a Cover photo facility was introduced. This moved the social media. The renovated design and Timeline!

A pretty more modernised view with a sticky navigation bar. New style of commenting and page handling, smart segregation. Super cool new features has been introduced to Facebook in this year.


You came from Facebook now! So you tell about it in the comments!

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