You would have heard of skyscrapers built by humans! But have you heard of skyscrapers built by the nature itself? Here you go, Giant Sequoias and California Red woods are nature’s skyscrapers. Believe it or not! These giant trees live up to 3000 years! These Sequoias are adapted to survive even in hottest wildfires. They use the ash formed by the wildfires as fertilizers! They grow even at the time of a disaster! The average Sequoias is 100 meters tall, 11 meters breath. It takes 20 years to mature and produces cones. The giant Sequoias ,which is found in California, USA grows at high altitudes between 5000 and 8000 ft. Famous giant Sequoias are “General Sherman”, ”Washington” ,”General Grant” , ”President” and ”Lincoln ”.

General Sherman

The General Sherman is not only the biggest giant Sequoias; it’s also the biggest tree in the world in terms of trunk volume. Until 2003, “Washington” was one of the biggest Sequoias. It is one of the oldest known Sequoias. Its age is about 2850 (+/-300) years. These giants are named after Sequoyah, inventor of Cherokee syllabary.

Hope I see one of those giant dudes in my lifetime!!

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