In beginning of this year, Dave Hakkens, an entrepreneur came out with the concept of Phonebloks. That concept has went viral and for those who don't know. It's a phone which is fully customizable. Each part can be removed and changed. You can customize it to the core, literally. This concept was later adopted by Motorola Mobility as Project Ara.

Now they are back with the wearables. This concept is called "Blocks" which lets you customize your wearable pretty much like that of that phone. This concept for wearables was announced earlier through their blog but now it's official and soon gonna be out.

The most awaited thing that a person who lives a life his way would prefer. They are funded by Intel to manufacture this thing. After the release of a wide variety of wearable including the Apple iWatch, this one is going to be a killer.

The wearable part is broken down into multiple individual pieces which contain different parts of it. We still can't rely on the durability of this Blocks concept. The thing is the Project Ara is also still not out and only a limited people had access to it. Wonder how this is gonna work out. We still don't have a detailed matter on this "Blocks" concept. The video above must have left you speechless. We will update once we get to know more about this!

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